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Dive into the world of syntropic farming and food forests with our collection of resources.

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Foof Forests and Syntropic Farming around the world

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Books and Research about Food Forests and Syntropic Farming

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Experts and Training in Syntropic Farming and Food Forests

What is Syntropic Farming?

Syntropic farming is both a technique and a philosophy that enhances energy, productivity, and the balance of crops in a regenerative sustainable way.


It is an agroforestry system, designed to minimise the need for external energy inputs (including human labour), increase the overall health of the entire ecosystem (including the carbon footprint), and provide better profitability and food security opportunities for communities.


Its emphasis is on:

1- Maximising the use of photosynthesis and nutrients through diverse crops that occupy different strata of the air and soil,

2- Biological succession,

3- Increasing the biomass and vitality of the system, through constant pruning,

4- And the use of positive associations between plants.


Imagine walking through a forest, completely filled with diverse crops all around you, where everything there is edible and/or usable. Hence, the nickname of Food Forests.


This technique was initially developed by Ernst Gotsch, (and is still developing) by many people in the World and we have a lot to recognise to him and all the people related with this effort. Here is probably one of the foundational videos that let the people know about it. You will love it:

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